Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The horror... The horror...

I wrote something long. Actually, it was much longer, but lest I waste your precious time, I deleted it and have presented here its condensed version. Basically, in a nutshell, I think horror films being made these days are not scary and suck donkey balls. Having sudden, loud, unceremonious BANG!s come out of nowhere when you least expect it is not scary. And sadly, that's what constitutes the bulk of modern horror genre.

While I'm the last person to impose "rules" onto the making of a film, there are certain common elements that emerge when you examine the classics of this genre, elements that run mostly in the subtext and hence work on the subconscious mind. Working on the subconscious is essential to evoking an emotion that has evolved over millions of years and has been buried deep inside the psyche: fear. Once you take care of the subconscious, you can spread you creative wings to work on the conscious.

So, the common elements of horror classics:

1. Always, always set the scene of your story in an isolated place, not surrounded by any physical human interaction for many miles in all directions. The reason this is of paramount importance in evoking fear is because it evokes another emotion that in turn evokes fear: helplessness. If shit goes down, there's no one around to help. Humans have evolved in groups, always living and hunting and protecting in groups. The very presence of another human being in a lonely place, even if he's an unlikable character, can create a sense of comfort. That's the last thing you want in your film - comfort. Remember that while watching the film, every member of your audience places him/herself in the place of the protagonist, mentally detaching themselves from the asshole in the next seat. By placing your protagonist and/or his family in an isolated location, preferably geographically detached from civilization, you are also psychologically detaching your audience from everyone else. That sets in helplessness, the most delicious item in your recipe. Think of this as the no-escape rule. It's so powerful that even if you are cognizant of this plot tool, it STILL works on you. Additionally, it also serves an another purpose: at the climax of the film should you choose to return your protagonist back to civilization and restore normalcy, the sudden burst of relief you would aim to achieve in act III, the conclusion, would be amplified manifold.

Examples: The Shining - set in a hotel in an extremely isolated place that is literally cut off from civilization during winters. In fact, to establish the extent to which it is isolated, Kubrick opens the film, as the credits roll, with a bird's-eye view of a car driving to this hotel through long stretches of uninhabited mountains. Evil Dead - a cold, lonely place in the woods, connected to only by a bridge that our Evil Force rips apart early in the film. Psycho - a gigantic single house and motel set in the middle of nowhere, with no one to reach out to if nigga comes attackin'. Setting your film in such a lonely place does half the job of creating tension and terror. The audience may not consciously think about all of this, but it's ALWAYS there in the back of their minds that there is no one out there to help, that the VIEWER, not the protagonist mind you, is in a state of helplessness. That activates every fear and anxiety center in their brains. It doesn't matter if it is supernatural horror or natural horror, it works.

A bad example of this would be The Woman in Black. They do set the story in an isolated village, and the house of interest IS away from the village, but the very fact that there are PEOPLE in the village accessible at anytime to the protagonist takes away all of the anxiety and fear characteristics of the story.

2. Never show the ghost till the very climax of the film, at least not completely anyway. This one applies only to supernatural horror. What is not visible is always scarier than what is. There's a reason why we were afraid of something being under the bed in our childhood. We can't see it. We imagine it. As a filmmaker, your most potent tool is not any of your overpriced editing gadgets but the imaginative power of the mind of your audience. Don't work ON it, work WITH it. Show them glimpses, occasionally, if you must, but never the whole thing. However, keeping them completely ignorant about the ghost can work against you. There's point after which the audience tires out of imagining all by themselves without receiving any catalysts and cues. Reveal the whole thing only at the climactic end, and when you do reveal, make sure it rewards their feared expectations. Don't build so much tension during the course of the film and in the end "reward" them with a ghost that looks like a constipated cat. They'll hate you for it. But to some extent, this can be applied even to natural horror films. In Psycho, the mother (or what's left of her) is not shown till the very end of the film; but as a general, it's more applicable to supernatural horror since supernatural ghosts ignite the audience's imaginative creativity more than a familiar human figure.

3. Set MOST, not all, of the events in the film in the dark. The dark, as Kirk Douglas nailed it in The Bad and the Beautiful, has a life of its own. "In the dark," he continues, "all sorts of things come alive." There are again evolutionary bases for why dark in itself is pants-shitting scary. Having a fear of the dark because of there being some sort of evil ghost out there kept our human ancestors from venturing into the dark at night, thereby protecting them from predators in the jungle. Fear of ghosts, as modern science suggests, was instrumental in our species' evolution - not because ghosts exist but very the fear of it protected them more earthly predators and kept them from extinction. A mere fear of predators wasn't enough to protect them at night because dark essentially made them blind and gave the more evolved predators an evolutionary advantage. A fear of something more sinister, however, worked to their advantage. This fear was only necessary at nighttime, since if they stayed locked in their caves day and night out of fear of ghosts, they'd starve to death. Daylight gave them all the advantage they needed to hunt, and their fear gave them all the protection they needed at night. Fear of the dark is ingrained into our very DNA. Combine this with point #1 and you are almost done with the subconscious architecture of your film.

4. For fuck's sake, don't include gay people in your movie. You are making a horror film, not a Prada commercial. We unfortunately live in a time of political correctness gone mad. Don't have black people in a positive role? Get accused of racism by black organizations. Don't have women in intelligent roles? You such a sexist pig! Mildly pat a dog? Get sued by PETA. And lastly, don't have two men making out with their tongues in each other's mouths and in YOUR face? Homophobic! What happened to all the good old days when you could just make an honest film without being counterproductive to the film's emotions? Even gay people find gay people in horror films un-horrifying. Stick them to the chick flicks.

5. Stay away from loud noises. This is a direct result of advances in sound engineering. A silent scene, the protagonist looks around the room, the lo! The ghost pops out of nowhere and the speakers tear their anuses apart and bang your eardrums out. Almost every horror film being made these days abuses sound technology this way. But you don't. Instead, use atmosphere and mood to create fear. Create a consistent tone with creative use of lighting, camera angles and movements, solid performances, believable character reactions and their motivations. NOT through bullfucking aural rapefests at every turn you take. Watch old films of this genre, classics or not, because they could scare you without using cheap-ass sound effects.

This newly invented lost-and-found-footage genre horror has actually taken care of this problem. They obviously can't use sound effects since there's no score. [REC], the Spanish original, is a perfect example of a very well made modern horror film that scares through atmosphere and intelligent storytelling without the use of nuclear bombs for sound. Both sequels sucked, the American remake sucked harder, but the original still retains its shine.

6. Lastly but equally importantly, the film should be a progression, not stagnation or decline. Start the film with some tense event, if you so choose, since it's important to grab the audience's attention from the start. But from the next scene on, bring it down to almost no drama, no action, no excitement, and slowly build your way upward, clue by clue, event by event, until the climax where everything, or most of it, is revealed and dealt with. Paranormal Activity, for example, doesn't reveal too much the very first night he places the camera. Only the wind blows. The second night, well I don't remember exactly but something slightly more noticeable happens, and it builds on and on. This is the only way you can do it because giving away too much at the very beginning creates two hurdles: 1. The audience won't be able to take in too much info in too little time. You have to gradually slide it in, like a frog in a glass of water that is being slowly boiled without its being aware of it. 2. The audience will be disappointed when what follows isn't more exciting than what came so far. It creates stagnation and saturation and elicits that very familiar response: boring. [REC] actually does this building up of tension in such a clever way that starting at the ground floor of the building, the tension and excitement builds with each floor they go up, revealing more and adding more conflict, until they reach the penthouse where all hell breaks loose.

That's it. I could still add in a few more generic themes, but I've already bored you enough. Goodnight amigo, and stay straight!


  1. "...and stay straight!"

    ^What the fuck! You homophobic ##***xxx!!! :P

    I guess if we're taking American Hollywood movies, I think the Horror genre is pretty much toasted. I mean, they've burned it to a crisp, and it's like it can never turn fresh and tasty again. At least I haven't seen anything that really thrilled me, as far as something that categorizes itself as Horror.

    I take it this post of yours is kind of tongue-in-cheek, right. However, I think that we should really consider to try and push the genre of Horror (and also Suspense) further, if it's possible. At least we should discuss if it's possible, and what it really means to push the genre into the 21th century.

    As far as "Horror" goes, although they're not considered "Horror" flicks, I find David Lynch movies to be quite scary. Although Lynch draws more on Genre Cinema, Noir, Suspense and some surrealism, I think he really puts the pieces together in a profoundly horrifying way, you know. It's all about arrangement, and of course, the substance.

    "Lost Highway" has these elements, and so does "Mulholland Drive". The mystery, the darkness and sorrows inside of the characters, and the absurd humor - it's all part of it. I mean, that's "Horror" - the human psyche; the human mechanism, and how we perceive things.

    Personally, I feel we're getting away from that in American Cinema. Maybe it's just me, so please prove me wrong. What I mean is, it seems that there's just less and less of those explorations and emphasis on characters. Damn, even Lynch kind of lost it with "Inland Empire". So, where are we heading? Where should we be going? Is it possible to go deeper?

  2. Sorry for the delay man.

    Yes, I think American horror films really are cut and dried at this stage, with every film trying out outworsen the previous worst film. But I don't really think of Japanese horror films much highly either. Could you recommend me some good horror films from other foreign countries?

    Speaking of Lynch, I'm a huge fan of his. I LOVED Inland Empire, at least the first 2 hours of it. The thing is, I saw the first 2 hours, stopped the film and resumed it a few days later, so that's probably the reason I didn't like the 3rd hour, but that aside, I think Inland Empire showcases Lynch's talent as the first real "digital cinema" pioneer. I've seen several interviews in which Lynch has stated that unlike other filmmakers, Lynch is very happy with the transition from film to digital. One of his favorite films is 8-1/2, and in the same vein, Lynch wanted to make a film without a script, just spontaneously, and I think he did a WONDERFUL job at it. Inland Empire is the only film I've seen shot on DV which works, owing to its surreal imagery. I don't think that film would've come out as good as it did had it been shot in film.

    That said, I did think a few scenes from the film were unnecessary: that looong one-way interview Laura Dern has with her "therapist", the ending scene where after getting shot the guy's face turns into a cartoonish caricature, and a few others. Lynch actually released another one-hour film called More Things That Happened consisting of all the footage that didn't make into Inland Empire, and boy, that in itself is a better film than Inland Empire. I think it is freely available on the Internet. Check it out.

    Yes, Lost Highway is one of my favorite films, and the first surreal film I watched. The thing about Lynch's films is, and he himself has stated this in several interviews, every film of his has multiple genres in it. Mull Dr. starts as a musical, then becomes suspense, mystery, and then romance, and horror, and comedy (where that guy shoots a fat woman in a building, and another scene where the film director comes home to find his wife in bed with another guy and pours paint over her jewellery), and all of this is packed in a surreal fabric. I love this about Lynch, the way he can combine so many forms of film and still retain the mood and tone of the film.

    By the way, have you watched the newly recovered one hour of lost-and-found footage from Blue Velvet? It should be there on Youtube. If not, let me know, I'll upload it. Some of the scenes are relaly quite mersmerizing in it.


  3. (contd)...

    Lately, I've been discovering more of Takashii Miike's films. I think this guy is the greatest director to come out of Japan, and his are the only horror films I truly love from Japan. He is the David Lynch of Japan :D I had seen Audition several years ago and loved it and didn't explore more of Miike's work, although I did recently watch 13 Assassins and loved it. But what reignited my interest in Miike was the last episode of Masters of Horror season 1 that Miike directed, this one: (You can watch it on youtube here: )

    Some of the scenes in the film are so intense that it was banned from airing on TV. That's another thing I love about Miike. He isn't afraid to shoot anything, go to any extreme where other filmmakers tremble to go. But the best part about this film (or short film) is Miike's storytelling technique. When it started, I was rolling my eyes thinking it was too boring, but the time I reached half way through the episode, I wouldn't have moved even if there was an earthquake beneath my chair! It just sucks you in and doesn't let you go! One of the absolute MASTERS of horror is what Miike is. I immediately watched another of his film, Three Extremes, which was a combination of three stories directed by one Chinese, one Korean and Takashi Miike, the last one. This again was as fucking gripping as that Master of Horror episode. Surrealism at its best. I hear great things about his film Goru too, which is called the Eraserhead of Japan. I'll be watching this very soon!

    Sorry for ranting on about it. I'm too carried away :P

  4. By the way, that Masters of Horror episode directed by Miike has bad acting in it, because Miike has never directed anything in English before and because of language barrier hasn't been able to communicate well with the actors, but don't let bad acting fool you for 1 second!

    There's another episode in season 1 of Masters of Horror called Cigerrette Burns directed by John Carpenter, which is by far the most acclaimed episode of this show. You should totally check it out. Its venereal horror at its best:

  5. Yeah, I've been a fan of Miike since 2003, as along as I've been a fan of Asian Cinema. Visitor Q, Dead or Alive trilogy, Audition, Gozu. That 3 Extremes flick, I saw it almost upon release - I love it. Also Park Chan-Wook, at the time, was one of my favorite directors because of Oldboy and Joint Security Area.

    Yeah, Miike is a blast.

    Hey, if you like Miike, you should totally check out Shinya Tsukamoto flicks. Tsukamoto is famous for 'Tetsuo: The Iron Man', Snake of June, Vital, Tokyo Fist, and his recent feature, Kotoko (which I'm still waiting on to be released on DVD.). Love his movies. You know, Tsukamoto is in 'Ichi the Killer' - he plays that guy pulling all the strings on everyone.

    Tsukamoto's films aren't necessarily "Horror", but they are pretty twisted. Start with Tetsuo: The Iron Man; it's like a mix between Cronenberg and Lynch, kind of but not really.

    Snake of June & Vital are both fuckin' twisted flicks, though. Kotoko, I can't wait on that one.

    Also, the 2000 Shion Sono flicks - Suicide Club, Strange Circus. Check 'em out.

    And oh yeah, Korea, dude. 'A Tale of 2 Sisters' I guess is a good start. However, Korea has a massive film industry, and there's loads of incredible indie flicks to see.

    Love Asia.

  6. And sorry about that dumb, self-centered comment. I wrote that last comment in a hurry.

    Will check out the stuff you've mentioned, just a tad later, when I have the time and privacy.

