Saturday, October 10, 2009

World War III

As I was researching the possible scenarios for the outbreak of a Third World War, and meanwhile learned that Churchill actually had plans of starting one (as outlined in Operation Unthinkable) in 1945 but was, much to his dismay, overruled by people smarter than him, I came across two interesting quotes:

"If the Third World War is fought with nuclear weapons, the fourth will be fought with bows and arrows." —Lord Louis Mountbatten

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." —Albert Einstein

Eloquent as they are, I feel my modification to the above quotes is more accurate:

"If the Third World War is fought, there won't be a Fourth one."

But there will always be dense politicians who would, in response to my version, say, "Well then, let's just put an end to World Wars and fight the Third."

You've gotta love this crazy, German-accented satirical video I found on YouTube:

"But I'm le tired..." Hahahahah

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